Sarah Riley, MD

Sarah Riley
MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA

Sarah Riley, MD is a faculty member at Yale School of Medicine and an ABPN board-certified psychiatrist. She works clinically at the Connecticut Mental Health Center, where she is the Medical Director of the STEP (Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis) Program.

She attended medical school at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, where she developed an interest in asylum medicine through her role as president of the student chapter of Physicians for Human Rights. She co-founded the University’s Human Rights Initiative in 2014, which is a student-run clinic providing medical and psychological evaluations for survivors of torture who are seeking asylum in the United States.

She then completed her residency in psychiatry at Yale University in 2020. During her training, she shadowed multiple psychological evaluations through YCAM (Yale Center for Asylum Medicine) to further her interest and expertise in this area. She joined the YCAM Faculty in 2023.