Olivia Shadid, MD

Olivia Shadid
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Area of expertise: Child, Adolescent, & Adult Psychiatry; Remote Evaluations

Oliva Shadid, MD (she/her) is a psychiatry resident at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, where she will also complete her child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship. She will complete training in June 2024.

Dr. Shadid conducts domestic and international forensic psychiatric evaluations of asylum seekers and of those seeking humanitarian letters of relief. She has testified in federal immigration court as a mental health expert. She typically works with Mount Sinai Human Rights Program, H.O.M.E, and Refugee Health Alliance.

Dr. Shadid has helped train others in conducting these evaluations at national conferences and grand rounds, as well as through book chapters (see: Springer's Asylum Medicine and Wolters Kluwer's Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry). She has published on the mental health effects of migrant family separation.