Georgia King, LCSW

Georgia King, LCSW
Founder of The Immigration Evaluation Training Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Area of expertise: Training therapists to provide clinical evaluations for asylum, extreme hardship, VAWA & other immigration cases

Georgia King is a therapist who specializes in providing clinical evaluations for immigration cases. Over the past decade, she has worked with lawyers around the country to provide assessments for immigrants. In 2017, she founded The Immigration Evaluation Training Center through which she has taught hundreds of therapists to conduct effective mental health evaluations for immigration cases. She regularly appears in court as an expert witness and has been a guest speaker at Georgetown Law School, the Smith College School for Social Work, and numerous NASW and CAMFT chapters.

After graduating from the Smith College School for Social Work in 2008, Ms. King worked as a therapist in community mental health and later at Walter Reed Medical Center with active-duty soldiers. In 2011, a lawyer asked her to conduct an assessment for an immigration case, and she discovered her passion for advocating for immigrants. She is an active member of the Pro Bono Asylum Network through the advocacy group, Physicians for Human Rights. In addition to teaching therapists through her training program, she currently maintains a private practice in Los Angeles providing individual therapy and immigration evaluations.