Gayathri S. Kumar, MD, CPH
Deputy Director, Division of Refugee Health | Office of Refugee Resettlement
Administration for Children and Families | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Gayathri S. Kumar, MD CPH is serving as the Deputy Director of the Division of Refugee Health within the Office of Refugee Resettlement. She is a past board member and now Federal Liaison to the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers and Founding Chair of the Society’s Research, Ethics and Evaluation Committee. She previously served as a Medical Officer in the Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health Branch (IRMHB) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she led several epidemiologic investigations including investigations among asylee populations and national efforts to support health outreach to these populations.

An internist by training, she also had a weekly adult refugee and asylee clinic at a local health department in Atlanta, and has served as a medical consultant at Atlanta-based resettlement agencies. She is a yoga therapist and currently provides body-based therapeutic services at the Centers for Victims of Torture in Atlanta.